Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh, well never mind, then.

A post script to the "Shooter Off Meds" story. When the medical information was made public (why, oh, why is that OK?), those meds turned out to be not very damning after all.

What medication was Steven Phillip Kazmierczak taking--what psychotropic proof of his mental derangement was waiting to be revealed?

Kazmierczak was taking...Ambien...Xanax...and Prozac. He must have been very relaxed. He went off of Prozac, but it's not an anti-psychotic. Shit, Prozac and Ambien are so mainstream they're practically over-the-counter medications. Ambien is advertised on TV, for cryin' out loud. Xanax, well, he didn't stop taking that one, and god knows, plenty of upstanding American citizens are walking around with their next alprazolam hit right there in their shoulder bag, next to the laptop.

How the hell is a journalist supposed to make a sensationalistic drama out of this med combo, this pharmaceutical Happy Meal? How do you do that without alienating millions of people who will be quick to tell you that if Kazmierczak was taking these drugs because he was unbalanced, then that means they are unbalanced, and well, they just aren't. Right now they're thinking, Oh, it looks like being off of Prozac wasn't the problem after all. Right? Please say we're right. I mean, I would never...I'm not crazy. Hey, how about those Academy Awards?

1 comment:

Portia Micello said...

Well put...and thanks. But, then, most of the general public is uninformed about medications.,,and that includes the ones they take! I think only those of us who are mental patients know what these meds are and do. Is that because we are a little brighter? or because our docs make a bigger effort to explain? There's a whole n'other blog! ha-ha