Monday, March 30, 2009

ADD--does it get worse with age?

There is no doubt in my scattered mind that I have ADD (not the one with the 'H' in it). I've had it my whole life, but it was attributed to either a lack of self-discipline, general absent-mindedness, a busy schedule, stress, laziness, an inability to prioritize, and any other number of personal flaws.

I've been reading up on this, and it's one of the most common comorbidities with bipolar disorder.

One of the keynote speakers at the conference admitted to having ADD. He talked about how it affected his ability to be understood as a person when he was growing up. He talked about the issues it raises for him now. I was able to relate to so much of what he said, that I had to read up on adult ADD a bit more yesterday.

I used to have much better coping skills, but I have to say, having a big, gooey brain melt seems to have made my ADD a problem I have to deal with instead of a characteristic I used to just manage. It gets more pronounced every year. I can see that dementia won't be far behind. Or maybe I'll just finally be remembering all of the things I got distracted from decages ago, and I'll be mistakenly assumed to be demented. Wait. That didn't come out right.

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