Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tastes great, too!

My name is May Voirrey and when I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, I thought I was doomed to a life of lithium-induced stupidity and middle-aged onset of conservative politics. I tried fish oil capsules, but they didn't make me smarter or more flexible--they just made me burp. Now Minute Maid has come up with a beverage for people like me. Pomegranate-blueberry Enhanced Juice jump-starts my brain cells with healthy doses of Omega-3 and DHA, and the refreshing taste washes away that tongue-twisting mood stabilizer cotton mouth.

Treat your neurotransmitters to the juice made just for mood disorders and middle age. Minute Maid Enhanced Juice is so good and good for you, you'll forget it's healthy--but you won't forget to act like you're happy! Cheers!

1 comment:

Sophie in the Moonlight said...

You are SO funny!!!!

I did the fish oil thing, too.

burp YUCK