Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do you measure progress?

I recently took a huge leap of faith and invited Elizabeth to read my blog. I didn't think she actually would. I worried she would. The whole thing is so self-absorbed. Then again, it's the only thing in my life that honors me. God knows, nobody else puts much thought into me. Except Jolie.

While I'm off from work, I decided to spend some time each day reading my blog from the beginning. It helps me gain perspective on my progress as a patient and as an ever-evolving human being.

Now that I know someone else is reading--someone I know--I read with a different view. I wonder as I go along, "What the hell must she be thinking if she's reading this post?" I was surprised to see that I had mentioned Elizabeth three years ago. Timing is everything in relationships.

I'm not egotistical, but my blog is self-serving. I write for me, to benefit my own mental health. The fact that anyone else is interested just fascinates me.

Here is what I know so far:

  • I am not so angry now. I've gotten better at neutralizing the traumas of illness and unreliable people.
  • I need to make some friends.
  • I really do whine a lot about exercise.
  • My writing skills have not suffered during this time of brain compromise.
  • I am emotionally healthier than I've ever been since 2003.
  • I never want to have shingles again
  • "Shingles" and "Oz" are the two most-searched terms that land people on my blog via a search engine. Huh. Interesting.
I'm still tired and ugly, obsese, confused by the medical system, and confident that a good, solid lottery win will go a long way in making my life better.


Laurel said...

Oz as in "wizard of" or the prison show? (p.s. surprise. I haven't been here in a long time.)

Laurel said...

wait, I had something else to say. two things, actually. Ugly? Come on. On your worst, most overweight, bad hair day you are way prettier than a lot of people, older and younger. Just ask my husband.

And I'm pretty sure that the anecdotal evidence is against lottery winners being happy. Did you know there's a fairly large percentage who open restaurants, which is almost always a failing proposition?

May Voirrey said...

"Oz" as in the one with wizard, not the one with the drugs and rapes. Specifically, the phrase, "Hearts will never be practical..."

I have no plans to open a restaurant with my lottery winnings. I just want to be out of debt, finish my house and the landscaping around it, and secure the future of the nonprofit I started (that is only ever vaguely referred to here).