Tuesday, August 3, 2010

See, it was genius

Almost exactly two years ago, I shared fat-girl tip on how to avoid getting terribly chafed inner thighs when wearing skirts in summer. You can read about that by clicking here. Go ahead--I'll wait, and it's still funny.

Now I have reason to believe that the people at Lanacane have been reading my blog and stealing my schemes of genius. It's true.

While flipping through TV channels last night, I came upon a commercial for a new product made by Lanacane. It features folks a bit more on the portly side and it delicately hints that fat skin gets rubbed raw when two surfaces come together. Their solution? Anti-chafing gel.

Once again, I have a great idea and miss out on my millions. Have I ever metnioned my idea for a three-sided scratching post with choice of surfaces?

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