Sunday, September 12, 2010

Get 'em in, get 'em out

I just posted this as my Facebook status:
Doctors have zero incentive to care about their patients. Think about it--the doctor gets paid, no matter what the outcome is for the patient. No improvement, deterioration, death: A check is waiting, regardless. I think too many physicians prefer the hard work of quantity rather than the challenge of quality.

The current business model for medicine in America has completely removed curiosity, compassion, and patient outcome from the treatment process.

Personally, I have figured out more critical elements of my own conditions through my own time and hard work than any doctor has. The TV program Mystery Diagnosis shows again and again how many doctors have no interest in the patient's wellbeing--they are focused only on the quick fix, easy explanation. And if they're wrong? So what if they're wrong? They still get paid.

There are a lot of lazy doctors out there, and why not? Succeed, fail, or do nothing, there is no repercussion to the business.

In most states, even a first-grade teacher has her compensation tied to student outcomes. It may not make a teacher care about his or her work, but it sure does provide an incentive to succeed that doctors don't have.

I can't actually think of any other job--with the exception of psychic advisor--where the pay is guaranteed, regardless of the sincerity put into the task at hand or the final result for the client.

1 comment:

Snowbrush said...

I've had a great deal of experience with M.D.s (especially surgeons) and my hit is that they're part of a system that makes it hard to provide good care. Most of them no longer own their practices, so they're working for people who expect them to see a lot of patients. Then, there are the insurance hassles, the pharmaceutical hassles, and the lawsuit fears. Despite all this, I've known some good doctors because I had the determination--and the insurance--to not settle for doctors whom I had qualms about or simply felt no rapport with.