Sunday, October 17, 2010

Where boredom takes me

Algorithms fascinate me. I don't actually understand them, nor could I even begin to write one, but the concept of "if-then" statements running the show on their own is a notable accomplishment i my eyes.

I was bored tonight, having run out of energy and ambition long before I ran out of weekend. I pulled up my blog but had nothing interesting percolating through my brain, so I did what I sometimes do in these situation--I clicked on the "Next blog" link at the top of the page.

Normally, the array of blogs I get via this clickfest seems totally random, but tonight there appeared to be an algorithm at work. Not a very good one. If it was supposed to link me to other blogs that might capture my interest, it failed miserably. Here's why:

  • First, a lot of blogs related to autism. Hmmmm. I'm not autistic nor do I have any autistic family members.
  • Next up, homeschoolers
  • Lots and lots and lots of Christians praising Jesus, lots of Bible study, lots of lives being documented as they worship Christ. Interesting choice to bring before an atheist.
  • After that, Blogger went into some sort of Texas loop. I am not a big fan of Texas, I don't write about Texas or care to visit Texas. Lots of bloggers in Texas.
  • Mothers writing about their adorable children. Ad nauseum. Yes, I understand it's a beautiful journey, but seriously, these blogs all read exactly alike.
  • Next we went into a DIY home-improvement phase. This one makes more sense since I believe there's something like that listed in my profile.
  • Quilting. Seriously? Who knew so many quilters were blogging about it. I'm not a quilter.
  • More blogs about white, middle class American families with small children. Especially with twins. ?? Christian families. In the South.

I can't even imagine who gets to stumble upon this blog.

1 comment:

Ethereal Highway said...

I feel like a freak whenever I click 'next blog'. I usually end up on the blog of a Mary Poppins sort of person and I always end up on the blog of someone who sounds like they feel waaaaay better than I do.