Thursday, January 24, 2008

Did you know...

If you have read all of the posts in my blog to this point, you actually know more things about me than anyone who knows me in three-dimensional life.

Yes, I am that guarded in person.

Pretty astounding, isn't it?


Portia Micello said...

Just wanted to say I enjoyed your site. It feels like home and that can be a good thing. Michele

May Voirrey said...

Welcome, Michele. I know how it feels to find people who "get it." Stop by any time!

Spilling Ink said...

I am the same way, May. No one except my husband and my shrink know the stuff that you guys know.

May Voirrey said...

And yet here we are sharing it all with familiar strangers on the Internet. It's intersting that you have to go public to find people who are really interested in getting to know you. The Internet is where hurt people might actually find the caring and diligent listeners that can lead us to healing or something like it.