Monday, January 14, 2008


I have nothing academic, sensitive, or angry to say right now, yet I feel I should not neglect maintaining my ongoing brain housecleaning that has been so helpful. So, here's random crap about me that nobody needs to know.
  1. I only have to shave my legs about six times a year.

  2. I never drink soda. Ever.

  3. I talk to myself, out loud, in the car and at home when my husband is not there.

  4. I hate to sort clean socks, so most of the time, I just wear them mismatched.

  5. I worked at the New York Rennaissance festival two summers in a row. I was in my thirties, working a corporate job, and coming to grips with the fact that I had no life. My British accent was so convincing, most people thought I was from the UK.

  6. I can make dolphin sounds.

  7. My husband does housework because I just...don't.

  8. I'm bilingual.

  9. I was once inteviewed for an article in the USAirways Magazine.

  10. My husband cooks because I just...won't.

  11. I never chew gum. Ever.

  12. Sometimes I watch QVC and HSN but I have to mute the sound because I find the customer testimonials unbearable.

  13. My teeth were always so straight, everyone assumed it was the work of an orthodontist.

  14. I've had pnuemonia four times.

  15. I cry when I stand for the National Anthem (there is a reason).

  16. I only wash my car about four times a year. The inside is a lost cause.

  17. I have four bicycles.

  18. We rarely answer the phone at home. We don't really need Caller ID. Our system is Caller Ignore.

  19. The only thing between me and road rage is the fact that I work very much in the community. With my luck, the one time I snap, the other driver will be a donor or volunteer.

  20. If I believed in God, I would conclude that religion is the work of the Devil.

  21. I read the blogs of every person who posts a comment on mine. Lucky for me, I am not popular. Any more time on the Internet might be cause for an intervention.

  22. I love the show Intervention on A&E. OK, "love" is not the right word, but I am a faithful Intervention watcher.

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