Thursday, February 18, 2010

The core of the matter

I do not believe that our emotions dictate our health. Plenty of happy, well-adjusted people come down with chronic illnesses and just as many dysfunctional humans are no less healthy than anyone else in the general population.

After doing some research on the psoas muscle, I was amused and distressed to read this:

Although we can differentiate our thoughts from feelings and sensations, these qualities are aspects of a total expression within a living being called you.

The Psoas is the deepest core muscle and grows out of each side of the spine. The psoas is primarily a messenger... If there is compromise within the core, and I am defining core as the central nervous system inside your spinal column (tip of the coccyx to the cranium) it will be reflected within your psoas.

When our integrity is compromised it is always expressed within the core. One expression is curling inward, a protective gesture. No matter if we are emotionally or physically attacked, fall off the roof of our house, lose a loved one or have way too much to think about (Goggle Rodin’s thinking man sculpture to see an image of the over burdened intellect) the psoas will express our being overburdened.

If we are too far off base or when we are not living from our core integrity the psoas speaks up loud and clear. (Liz Koch: The psoas speaks out.

Fascinating, but actual medical research indicates that tight or short psoas muscle condition is the result of sedentary habits, a lot of sitting, poor posture, and lack of exercise.

At the moment, severe pain is gripping my entire pelvis, sacroiliac joint, and lower gut. My pelvis is twisted and the SI joint is locked on the right side. Rampant inflammation is making everything feel even worse. Granted, I don't like myself or my life very much, but if I were going to engineer a distress signal from deep within, this would not be what I would come up with.

I am in bad shape because I have been sedentary, I sit a lot, I have poor posture, and I don't exercise.

Were anyone to offer a bet, I'd feel compelled to oblige if it were to prove that no matter how distressing my emotional situation, my pelvis can be healed rather easily and in just a month or two with physical therapy and daily targeted exercise.

So, then, if the body speaks for the mind, if I fix my psoas muscle, does this mean I will no longer have bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety?

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