Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where does this come from?

The dread is back. Sometimes it washes over me like an unexpected wave that also pulls my feet forward, tugging at my equilibrium.

There's no reason, no event, no identifiable trigger that makes it come. I can't call it anxiety because anxiety is linked to worry and fear, but this is a generalized sense of imminent disaster. How do I rationalize my way out of a feeling that has an unknown origin?

Dread is worse than anxiety. Dread is an instigator, stirring up its cohorts, Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Paranoia, Insecurity, and Hyper-Vigilance.

I feel a little sick in the pit of my stomach, and yet, I don't know why.

1 comment:

Sophie in the Moonlight said...

((((hugs)))), May.

Been there, done that, still processing that feeling. I hope this feeling passes soon and leaves nothing but your lovely typical self in its wake.