Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I blog the path alone

I'm not egotistical. I don't really need to know whether or not people think I'm interesting. Still, it's feeling a bit unsettling that I appear to have lost my readers. It validates my belief that I'm dull, although I cracked myself the hell up with the serotonin graphic. Ha!

While I was busy feeling like a boring reject, a sparkly thought came to me. It was a thought about why I started this blog. It wasn't so others could read it--that's just an additional point of interest. The purpose of this blog is to serve as my journal, but in a format that allows for other people to help me think through my life process.

Geez May. Don't lose your perspective. The words are for you.


Ethereal Highway said...

I'm still here. Sometimes I don't comment - usually when *I'm* the one who's a bit dull.

May Voirrey said...

I actually meant to put a disclaimer saying "except for Ethereal Highway."

I was feeling the curse of the hit counter, but I got over it very quickly. I probably shouldn't even check that thing!

I read your blog. You are not dull.

Snowbrush said...

You lost your readers? I'm new so I can't comment. Bummer though. Gotta hurt, at least a little, although the number of readers a blog gets seems to have more to do with how much time the owner spends on the nt than with the quality of the blog itself.

"psychopharmacology" Now, that's an interest I don't see everyday. I'm barely ticking along on my own anymore, so the drug scene isn't what it used to be for me, that's for sure.

May Voirrey said...

I'm glad you're here!
I had a moment of chastising myself for being too self-absorbed in my blogging, but then I remembered that it's my blog and I should be as self-absorbed as I need to at any given time.

I really need to just stop checking the hit counter.

I knew almost nothing about psychopharmacology prior to falling ill, but since my body is treatment resistant, I became a bit fascinated with the whole field once I started to learn what it's all about. I'm so well versed, my psychiatrist lets me tell him which adjustments I want for my meds, and I have leeway to make adjustments as I go along--Wow.

Snowbrush said...

t validates my belief that I'm dull"

In all candor Ethereal Highway has a point. Oftentimes, people don't respond to something simply because it's over their heads.

I'm glad you have a shrink you like.

Counter? I guess I don't have one, so that takes care of that. I do watch my followers list, limiting myself by necessity to those who follow me.